Summer of Engineering has keen, capable tertiary students and graduates who are highly motivated to kick start their careers with you.
Come and hear how current students and new graduates can benefit your business. These students can deliver new ideas and fresh perspectives to your organisation.. You may not even need to wait till summer, with some of our students available to help you now!
Who are the students?
Students and recent graduates from tertiary institutions across Aotearoa New Zealand, from first-year students to PhD level and up to two years after completing their study. The engineering students include the following areas of study:
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- Mechatronics (a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering)
- Computer systems and software engineering
- Chemical and process engineering
Why engage with Summer of Engineering?
You’ll be doing your bit to grow and retain our local talent pipeline, while our interns provide immediate benefits to your manufacturing, engineering or tech business.
Garry Peek from Peek Robotics, will share insights into how they're growing their team and business with quality engineering interns.
WellingtonNZ who are supporting the Summer of Engineering initiative through the Regional Economic Development Plan are providing refreshments.
When – Tuesday 13th June
Time – 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Where: Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, L3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt