Is finding the RIGHT STAFF holding back your Business?
The Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the Open Polytechnic, invites you to our RoVE Lunch with Minister of Education, the Hon. Chris Hipkins
The single biggest barrier for business growth and confidence in the Hutt Valley and wider Wellingon region is increasingly being unable to employ the right staff.
If labour shortages are holding back your business, you need to know about RoVE. Recently announced by the Minister, RoVE is the ‘Reform of Vocational Education’.
RoVE has been introduced as a direct response to ongoing labour and skill shortages.
The reform’s aim is to create a strong, unified, sustainable system for all vocational education that delivers the skills that learners, employers and communities need to thrive.
The new system will have a stronger focus on employers, delivering the skills they need, providing more support for their employees, and ensuring greater consistency in vocational education across the country. Longer term, this will increase the number of employers who are engaged
in vocational education.
Presented By
Event Information
Date: Friday 11th October, 1.00pm-1.30pm
Where: The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, 3 Cleary Street, Waterloo
Fee: Members Free Non-Members $25 +GST (light lunch provided)
More Info: Click here for more information
RSVP: Click on register word above
Additional information
With two polytechnics in our valley as part of our business community, the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce is actively involved in RoVE.
This RoVE Lunch is part of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce’s strategy and events programme supporting the business community to employ work-ready staff.